Like a kid on Christmas.

January 18, 2012 § 3 Comments

I am probably more excited than I should be.

Winter Storm has “hit” Seattle.  However, it is sure a lot less than they were predicting and it was completely unnecessary for Trader Joe’s to be inhumanely PACKED lastnight with people stocking up for a big day of snow.

I just wanted a gallon of milk.

But, I still got up way too early in order to watch it fall.  I get major FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) when it comes to snow.  I couldn’t sleep, thinking it would stop snowing by the time I got up, and I have only had snow coverage on the television since 6am. 

I’m one of those people.  Totally into it. I am very jealous of Olympia (supposed to get over 8″!) and hope my husband gets up in time to walk with me before it stops.  But really, my heart breaks a little that the “dump” we were supposed to receive seems to have travelled a bit more south.  It’s like you were promised a trip to Disneyland, but then your parents decided to give it to your way-less-cool sibling at the last minute.

Seriously.  I take these things pretty hard.

But for now, looking out onto my street, everything is the kind of peaceful that only comes with the white stuff and we are living in a snow globe. 


And it’s snowing all over my Gmail inbox.  Love it.

I swear I will be back to regularly scheduled posting soon enough, but for today- to snow!  It makes me think of miss Haines terribly and just want to crochet while watching Little Women.   I think I shall.  *raises mug of cocoa*

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